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Product Manager




helping great People
build greater Products

about me


I am a Writer, Podcaster, and Product Manager.

If you're looking for my Product Management Services - Click Here

My professional background is rooted in working closely with tech startups and software businesses for over a decade. Helping founders and leaders deliver products, big and small, across a wide variety of categories.

See, at the heart of it – I love solving problems for people using tech.
It doesn’t get simpler than that.
I am known for constant experimentation and relentless execution.
If I have an idea, it better have a .com at the end of it within the month.

I started writing my blog in 2018 where I talked about the latest trends in tech. As time went by, I gained more experience, so I expanded to other formats.

I wanted to share my experiences in an easy to understand format for anyone looking for guidance or just another perspective.

There is a thing about ‘standing on the shoulders of giants
Every next generation has advantages that the previous didn’t.
And I hope I can offer you some advantages along the way.

Currently, I am focused on content creation efforts across various platforms, you can find me on:

Tech Made Fun - Tech Podcast
Accessible tech content for the Pakistani audience.

The Wandering Pro - Career Podcast
Experience based insights into upskilling in Pakistan.

Nexus - Tech and Career Blog
Knowledge on tech and career landscape from my perspective.

Career & Business Resources
Tools and templates to upskill as a Professional or a Small Business Owner.

You can contact me at hello@saqibtahir.com

Work Related Writing

What Makes a Successful Agency and Why You Aren’t One

What Makes a Successful Agency and Why You Aren’t One

Development Agency Owners, a question for you: What sets an...
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Building a Landing Page – The Storefront for a Startup

Building a Landing Page – The Storefront for a Startup

Marketing is the reason people visit your business;Branding is the...
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Product Development Roadmap – Everything You Need to Execute

Product Development Roadmap – Everything You Need to Execute

If you’re living under a rock as a founder, maybe...
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Market Research – Finding a Startup with Insights & Data

Market Research – Finding a Startup with Insights & Data

Let's go over why you should care about Market Research...
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Product Discovery – Fill The Product Gaps for Your Startup

Product Discovery – Fill The Product Gaps for Your Startup

‘Product Discovery’ - possibly the most thrown around term in...
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Road to Working with People and Building Products

Road to Working with People and Building Products

I love helping people build products, platforms, and online presence...
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Getting Help as a Startup Founder: Why You Need A Partner

Getting Help as a Startup Founder: Why You Need A Partner

Being in the game for over a decade - without...
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CRM Development: Tailored Tech For Large Businesses

CRM Development: Tailored Tech For Large Businesses

CRM solutions are the backbone of any large business. Most...
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Healthtech User Experience Done Right

Healthtech User Experience Done Right

Healthtech faces extreme challenges when it comes to digitization. Due to...
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QSR Apps & Integration with 3rd Party Services

QSR Apps & Integration with 3rd Party Services

This work study explores the development and implementation of innovative...
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Process Prognosis for Software Dev Agencies

Process Prognosis for Software Dev Agencies

As a small agency, the biggest challenge you face is...
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Welcome to The Rift

Welcome to The Rift

My journey into Product Management has been a pretty unique...
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For contact queries kindly email hello@saqibtahir.com